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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

LOL todae over slap again, i meet my friez 8 am @ her house near by park, but todae morning i 8 am than wake up... lucky i got my pay liao so i msg her n say i'm taking cab... so i take cab from my to her place n to sch... when we reach sch WHA!!! the cab fare is $31 SGD, Woo this is my first time taking a long journey by cab... but long long one time like tis i don mind... ha ha 
When we reach sch we walk to de canteen n sit, eeks the sch canteen was so dirty so many bird sheets... after tat i took out the present i brought for her n give it to her, tat present is my first present for her wit my friez pay... 
Thn after tat her friez come n talk to her so i sit aside quietly after her friez go we wen up to class 

Todae @ class noting to do teacher nv teach because no student bring calculator so teacher nv teach theory... after tat is our lunch time i wen out wit a group of friez go outside sch chinese stall n eat... after we eat finish we wen to 7-11 n buy alcohol drink tat is about 4-8% we total buy 3 bottle of vodka n we share...

Wen we finish our lunch we wen back to our auto-cad lesson, also de same noting to do so we all wen to surf net... n our lesson end @ 5 pm... wen we leave class my friez nv wait thn she wen off... so i wen to toilet n after tat go to my work place wit my Sista n wen we  finish  doing our things thn we all wen home... 


so tis is my  story for 2 september 2008... =P

BOF Pictures, Images and Photos 9/02/2008 11:54:00 PM


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