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Profile. Diary Beloved. Links.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

haha i'm back kiki

21 nov  i was so hardworking, morning 730am wake up n 8am go percy house n call him wake up because we got work at 930am, but we so early wake up n still late for work. benson was late so he drag u in too, lucky boss is not there only percy, benson & i at there work. we was working as mover so is a rough job, working with friends is so wonderful n enjoys. 

After work at 7pm we went to eat at commonweath KOUFU n have our dinner, thn we went to percy house he was fixing his tarmeya cars n i change my clothe i went to suntec at 10pm, i not going there shopping i go there n work. My original work at suntec toysRus, tat day was so busy they really need people so i went do n help them tidy up the store is so dame massy i 10pm work until a time u also won't think about it 330am the next days, all of us i the store was so tired. than after work i n my friends went to eat n 5am reach home slp yawn!!!

the next dae is sundae i got to go church at 1130am n i 10am wake up so slpy going to die, after tat church i when to boonlay with my bro n coursins, we go meet our elder coursin she treat us  eat SWENSENs. we order a regular earthquark wo! tis my first time eat earthquark ice-cream at swensens tat was nice. but after we eat finish my coursin say y the ice-cream so small not like tat time he eat, (u all knw wat) because we only order regular they still have a Gaint earthquark n my coursin order it with all chocolet wo! tat wonderful, after tat she order 2 fries n 2 meatballs woo we was so full just eating the regular n gaint eathquark hahas. eat finish we went back home i go my coursin house n ply mahjong till the next morning again nv slp=.=ZzzZ

Wo! at the morning we went back home about 9am because my sister house furniture is coming so we went home n help. after tat we went swimming, we ride Bcycle to the swimming complex at delta it was raining n the water is so cold. after swimming i went back home n change clothe to my friends home at woodland and do project till next day... again nv slp hais...

i am tired pls let me rest>.<

BOF Pictures, Images and Photos 11/24/2009 02:39:00 AM

wha finally post
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sian tis few week's got Project to do busy, n e project really make my team headach. tdy i finish sch at 12pm n i took mrt go hm so when i reach hm is about 0130pm, n i dun have key my house no ppl... because my mother she lost her Key so she took my key n i sitted outside my house and wait for help... thn at 0430pm my father finally to open door for me... i dunno y tis tarm i like to slp at 1030pm so when every time is 10plus i started to yawn n slpy... so tired

BOF Pictures, Images and Photos 7/29/2009 10:53:00 PM

Sad no Marks T.T
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

HI friends,

Wha lol Yesterdae got exam but i cnnt take sad T.T>>>
because of my stupid hair colour to bright teacher dun let me take, i was sitted outside the class for 3hours study my theory... here r my hair colour pic take a look

BOF Pictures, Images and Photos 5/27/2009 02:11:00 AM

HSE almost on FIRE
Monday, May 18, 2009

HI LONG TIME NV POST LE Computer spoiled vry MaFan...

16 may 2009 Friday i was ply laptop in my room i surddenly smell something burning my family n i thoug it was our electricity burn but NOT, the smoke slowly coming up to our house then my father n i when out n find out wat happen, the smoke was coming out from the 4th story...

My father n I quickly when down n see what going on. At first we thoug it was some one burning de joys stick but the smoke was so THK, after tat i wen near to the window n i break the window see who inside n there was a aunty sitting on the sofa. We call to wake up but she still laiying on the sofa i knw something not rite i quickly ask my sister to call CivilDefance... be thy there was two off shift polices man staying on our block thy come down n hander the thing.

I heard the spak sound coming from the kitchen so i like going to esplode. When the CivilDEF reach the view was dame nice i forget to video it down... so the rest was hander by them this was the second time accident happen on the same Block and Unit, that time was her father jamp down n nw is tis drunk aunty almost no place to slp... lucky

time of happening is about 1am midnight.
this is all on the accident.

My lates hair colour is so scary... i post the photo up on few more daes...

BOF Pictures, Images and Photos 5/18/2009 01:13:00 AM

Monday, May 04, 2009


Today 5am wake up morning call my friend to wake up... thn i wen back slp until 7am thn i faster go wash my face change my uniform thn rush to MRT station...
Thn wen i and my friend reach kembangan station we saw our classmate in side de OLD CHANG KEE buy thing, i thn go buy SOTONG HEAD and CHICKEN WING is de favorites snake i like in OLD CHANG KEE ...
Wen we reach sch we wen to our AUTO-CAD lesson is on de 3 floor, wen we reach we have our temprycher taking i got 36.8c so is normal and my classmate got one has 35.2c is a could blarded hehe...
I have no mood to study wen i reach de class room i saw my teacher n i go to my sit thn turn on de computer thn i go online n ply warcraft i side de class...
Exam is coming but from 1st day of school i nv do until one work to passup to teacher for marking i getting lazy n more lazy wen i see my teacher every dae de same haas (boring)
At 12pm we wen for lunch we wen to de jiesheng eat but our back gate was lock LAME scare later pervert coming too de sch ar!... make us have to walk a big round through de main gate...
wen we finish eating we also walk back one big round n go for our next lesson, wen we reach cls we hv to take temprycher this time i got 37.0c afternoon the weather was HOT! lucky is not fever.
Wen after sch we go home, nv go other place just go home... tat for todae byebye

BOF Pictures, Images and Photos 5/04/2009 09:43:00 PM

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hi long Time no Post ler...

One year really vry fast pass... Nw coming to End of 2008 le.

Tis year Christmas vry Boring... noting to do de

On christmas eve i was at church we hv alot of activity one is the ballerina (I hv took a video)
Thn after church i go find my friend n ton outsiide... 25 Dec we go visit our Manager Mother at TanTokSeng hospital... after the visit I go KBOX wit Zheng Min n Yu ting at Suntec n HOME SWEET HOME after tat... 

BOF Pictures, Images and Photos 12/28/2008 03:11:00 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Wha! today is the bad luck day... Just reach home from work, see to day straitening dame hard too many things liao...

Today i reach my work place at 9 am, i go to e cafe near my work place called WANG CAFE n buy kaya butter toast bread n a cup of coffee...
Today only 6 to 7 ppl work until closing, at 2 plus in the afternoon some one try to steal 3 remote control cars, but thy where so bad luck tat i n my manager walk pass thm n we saw thm look vry suspicious so my manager follow thm n i go put my things after i put my thing i saw my manager pull one boy back to de office n one guy follow n it was tat 3 guy tat we think suspicious de...

Thy got one car with thm n i found one outside the store is a girl wearing school uniform de tell me where thy put de cars at n the 3rd cars is my colleague found de is inside the rubbish bin out side the store.

At about 3 plus the police reach the store n i bring thm in to the office n thn the two boy was handcraft n wen off with the police.

Today my duties was entrance so my straitening area is HOT N IN n STAR CARDS, the hollowing side was dam massy so i took some photos...

D:here the photo:D





BOF Pictures, Images and Photos 10/12/2008 02:30:00 AM


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Designer: Yours truly
Inspiration: LiveJournal
Bascodes: Blesphemy
Host: Blogger, Photobucket
Main colors of this skin are black, white, silver, peach and hot pink.